Yet another personal website

PhD Quantitative Marketing

CV / Resume

A condensed glimpse to who the hell I am.

Very short version: Sciences Po (Strasbourg), M2 Management (Strasbourg), PhD Marketing (Strasbourg, Mons), IRI (Chambourcy), Assistant Professor (IAE Lille)...

Français English


Published and on-going researches

Some are serious, some are just for fun

Most are conducted in partnership with private companies

All make use of various types of data

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Courses I have taught.

Mainly about retailing, marketing, statistics

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Not actually a blog

Rather a sub-category of research, with ewamples of data-vizualisation from past, future or abandoned projects

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An attempt to make an online Statistic course with an interactive use of R

To be released one day...

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A collection of stuff I find usefull, or funny, sometimes even both.

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